2021年9月14日 星期二

Diamond Valuation 4C

 Diamond Valuation

What is a Diamond? The 4Cs

Diamond is:

A mineral, a crystalline form of the element Carbon.

The carbon atoms I’m Diamond are arranged in tight three-dimensional 

patterns with strong bonds in all directions, which makes Diamond the 

hardest natural substance and an ideal gem for everyday wear.

The hardness, the Durability makes Diamond a gemstone so collectible 

for centuries and centuries.

Diamond is Forever. 

Love is eternal ...

Diamond’s Remarkable Properties 

The strong interlocking atomic structure of diamond 

makes it the hardest natural substance making it more 

resistant to scratching and abrasion than any other natural material.

We measure hardness of substance using a Moh Scale of Hardness:

1 softest crystal, sapphire ruby Jadeite stands in 7, diamond rank has 10 the hardest. Diamond is 100 times harder than ruby.

What and why we love diamond?

It’s the Brightness, Brilliance a diamond gives out by reflection of light.

The amount and beauty of Fire Brilliance of Diamond is determined by

a Diamond’s Cut.

The best light to admire the beauty of a diamond or any gemstone is

Natural Sunlight.


Diamond price factors 


Carat weight 

Cut quality (proportion, finish and light performance)

Clarity ( degree to which a stone is free from inclusions and blemishes)